Jacob Hamutenya, is the Regional Manager at Agro-Marketing and Trade Agency (AMTA) Ongwediva, a specialised agency of the Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry. He was appointed to this position at the age of 26. Jacob holds Bachelors of Science (Honours) with specialisation in Food Science and Technology from the University of Namibia. He is an MBA candidate at Namibia Business School. Jacob is also a Mandela Washington Fellow, entrepreneur, and a former Student Union President of the University of Namibia Neudamm Campus.
He is a well-known figure in the field of Agriculture for his passion and continued dedication to mobilising small-scale farmers in the Namibian society. During his private time, as a way of ploughing back into the community and also to inspire other youth, he conducts seminars and make keynotes speeches at various institutions.
As an exemplary leader to the Namibian youth, he continues to challenge young people to explore opportunities in Agriculture through Youth in Agriculture Networks. His efforts have been featured in numerous local Newspapers, TV programmes and radios for all the endeavours.
For mentorship, guidance and assistance, you can contact Jacob by email